Anxiety + Stress Therapy

You tell yourself to “stop worrying,” ”just relax," or "think positive," but it's not that simple.

You try to focus on the present, but your mind keeps drifting to the future. What if I fail? What if I disappoint everyone? What if…It's a cruel, unrelenting cycle.

The pressure to do everything right and perfect cause you to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Your body feels tense and exhausted; you want to rest but your mind won't shut off. You begin to obsess over every detail. Even when you receive praise for your work, you can't help but feel like it's not good enough. But what is enough?

Avoidance and distractions give you temporary escape from uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In front of people you smile, you nod, you pretend like everything is okay, hoping that no one will see through what is hiding underneath. You realize that rumination and avoidance behaviors serve nothing but keep you stagnant.

Finally, you decide that enough is enough. You can't keep living like this. You should muster up the courage to seek help with a therapist. It's nerve-wracking, but you know it's the right thing to do.

Common Signs and Symptoms Associated with Anxiety and Stress

Physical Signs:

  1. Muscle Tension: Feeling tense or experiencing muscle stiffness, especially in the neck, shoulders, or jaw.

  2. Headaches: Frequent or tension headaches.

  3. Fatigue: Persistent tiredness or a feeling of being physically drained.

  4. Upset Stomach: Gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, indigestion, or stomach discomfort.

  5. Changes in Sleep Patterns: Insomnia (difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep) or increased sleep.

  6. Rapid Heartbeat: Palpitations or an increased heart rate.

  7. Shortness of Breath: Feeling breathless or having difficulty taking deep breaths.

  8. Sweating: Experiencing excessive sweating, especially in the palms or underarms.

Emotional Signs:

  1. Excessive Worry: Persistent and excessive worrying about future events or potential negative outcomes.

  2. Irritability: Feeling easily annoyed, agitated, or frustrated.

  3. Restlessness: A constant feeling of being on edge or unable to relax.

  4. Difficulty Concentrating: Trouble focusing on tasks or experiencing mental fog.

  5. Mind Racing: Racing or intrusive thoughts that are difficult to control.

  6. Fear of the Future: A pervasive fear or apprehension about what the future holds.

  7. Feeling Overwhelmed: Feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities or tasks.

  8. Panic Attacks: Sudden, intense episodes of fear or discomfort, often accompanied by physical symptoms.

Behavioral Signs:

  1. Avoidance: Avoiding certain situations or activities due to fear or anxiety.

  2. Nail Biting or Pacing: Engaging in nervous habits like nail-biting or pacing.

  3. Changes in Eating Habits: Overeating or loss of appetite as a response to stress.

  4. Procrastination: Delaying tasks or avoiding responsibilities.

  5. Social Withdrawal: Avoiding social interactions or isolating oneself from others.

  6. Increased Substance Use: Relying on substances like alcohol or drugs to cope with stress.

  7. Difficulty Relaxing: Finding it challenging to unwind or engage in leisure activities.

Anxiety + Stress Therapy Austin & OKC

I help adults who are exhausted from doing everything perfectly learn to cultivate emotional balance so they can take care of responsibilities and live life with enthusiasm.

My clients experience change over their time in therapy, from reduction in stress and rumination, tame self-criticism, to developing a realistic outlook.

I will help you recognize the patterns of your anxiety, develop healthier coping strategies, and incorporate techniques to regulate autonomic nervous system and anxiety. You will feel yourself becoming more aware of your thoughts, and less controlled by them. You will learn to reframe your negative thoughts, set healthy boundaries, and prioritize self-care.

If you are ready to stop letting anxiety consuming your life and limiting your potential, contact Linda Chi, licensed therapist, at (405) 593-8265 or Click here to book your free 15-minute consultation. Discover how therapy with an experienced therapist help you find the peace and balance you deserve.