Trauma Therapy

Trauma comes in many forms, each one leaving a unique and lasting impact on the individual. It can be the result of a single, catastrophic event such as a natural disaster or a violent assault, or it can be the accumulation of smaller, repeated events such as bullying, dysfunctional family, emotional abuse or neglect. Trauma can manifest in a multitude of ways, including anxiety, depression, flashbacks, nightmares, and a host of physical symptoms.

Trauma changes you

You’ve tried to cope with it on your own. You have tried to push it down, to ignore it, to pretend it doesn't exist, or turned to unhealthy habits such as drinking and drugs to numb the painful memories.

Trauma is a heavy burden to bear

It's like a dark cloud that follows you everywhere. The memories are like a knife, cutting deep into your soul. The pain is intense and overwhelming. No matter the type of trauma, it is a powerful force that can shape your life in profound ways.

It's a constant battle, one that feels like it will never end. But you know you can't keep living like this. It's scary to think about opening up, to relive those painful memories. But you know it's the only way to heal. And maybe, just maybe, you can find a way to live with the weight of your past, without it consuming you.

Common Signs of a Trauma Response

Physical Signs:

  1. Hyperarousal: Heightened physical alertness, including an increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and a sense of being easily startled.

  2. Hypervigilance: Constantly being on high alert, scanning the environment for potential threats.

  3. Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia, nightmares, or other disruptions in sleep patterns.

  4. Fatigue: Feeling physically and emotionally drained due to the stress response.

Emotional Signs:

  1. Flashbacks: Re-experiencing the traumatic event as if it were happening in the present.

  2. Intense Fear or Anxiety: Overwhelming feelings of fear, anxiety, or panic attacks.

  3. Depression: Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or a loss of interest in activities.

  4. Anger and Irritability: Outbursts of anger, irritability, or aggression.

  5. Emotional Numbing: A sense of emotional detachment or feeling emotionally numb.

  6. Mood Swings: Rapid and intense shifts in mood.

Cognitive Signs:

  1. Intrusive Thoughts: Recurrent, distressing thoughts or memories related to the trauma.

  2. Memory Impairment: Difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, or difficulty recalling details about the traumatic event.

  3. Dissociation: Feeling disconnected from oneself or the surrounding environment, as if observing from a distance.

  4. Negative Beliefs: Developing negative beliefs about oneself, others, or the world as a result of the trauma.

Behavioral Signs:

  1. Avoidance: Avoiding places, people, or activities that remind the individual of the traumatic event.

  2. Social Withdrawal: Isolating oneself from friends, family, or social activities.

  3. Substance Use: Relying on alcohol, drugs, or other substances as a way to cope with the trauma.

  4. Self-Harm: Engaging in self-destructive behaviors as a maladaptive coping mechanism.

  5. Difficulty Trusting Others: Struggling to trust others or form close relationships.

Trauma Therapy Austin & OKC

I help adults who feel trapped in their past stop reliving the pain so they can reclaim their life.

I understand how difficult it can be for you to seek help after experiencing any type of trauma. It takes a lot of courage to confront the memories and emotions that come with it. I will work with you to establish a safe and comfortable environment. We start with small, manageable steps that allow you to gradually open up about your experiences. Then we will focus on identifying negative thought patterns and behaviors that are holding you back. We will work on challenging those thoughts, replacing them with more positive and realistic ones, and developing coping mechanisms to help you heal.

I also provide Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, a scientifically validated approach designed to help individuals process distressing memories and alleviate the associated emotional and physiological distress. During EMDR sessions, I will guide you through a series of bilateral stimulation, which may involve side-to-side eye movements or tactile stimulation. This process aims to facilitate the reprocessing of traumatic memories, ultimately reducing their impact and allowing you to experience a greater sense of resolution and healing.

Stop living under the dark shadows of trauma. With the right support and guidance, you can heal and move forward from the trauma and live your life to the fullest. Call (405) 593-8265 or Click Here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with Linda Chi, licensed therapist.